The Secretary-General for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs has the following responsibilities:
- he/she heads, directly under the Prime Minister or the member of the Government or the Deputy Minister to whom the relevant responsibility is delegated, all the departments of the Secretariat-General and co-signs all documents signed by the Prime Minister or the member of the Government or the Deputy Minister, in so far as they come from the departments under their responsibility;
- is the direct assistant to the Prime Minister in matters within his/her competence, monitors the implementation of decisions and instructions relating to the legislative process, as well as the execution of decisions of the Council of Ministers and the collective government bodies, and informs the Prime Minister and the competent Ministers and Deputy Ministers accordingly;
- acts as secretary to each collective government body to which he/she is assigned this role;
- coordinates the legislative process and in particular: (a) receives and signs the bills, with a view to forwarding them to Parliament for adoption; (b) receives and signs ministerial amendments, legislative improvements, additions, corrections or any other intervention in the submitted bills, otherwise the above-mentioned interventions are deemed not to have been made;
- receives and approves the transmission of all draft presidential decrees before they are sent to the Council of State for processing. After they have been processed by the Council of State and signed by the competent minister or ministers, he/she sends them to the President of the Republic for signature, if he/she considers that the Administration has complied with the recommendations of the Council of State or has reasonably refrained from doing so. Also, he/she monitors and assesses all the regulatory acts of major importance of the Administration before they are sent to the Council of State or issued by the competent agencies;
• subject to the Standing Orders of the Parliament, he/she inspects the contents of the pages of the Government Gazette, with a view to their publication by the National Printing House. If he/she considers, on the recommendation of the competent department, that there is a legal impediment to the publication of a particular act, he/she returns it to the competent department of the Ministry responsible, with correction and resubmission instructions. If the department insists that the act is lawful and that there is an urgent reason for its publication, the Secretary-General orders its publication, by holding accountable the responsible department; - it coordinates all actions necessary for the application of the Better Regulation principles and tools throughout the public sector;
- he/she deals with any legal or parliamentary issue assigned to the Secretariat-General by the Prime Minister;
- he/she cooperates with the Speaker of the Parliament, the members of the Government, the Deputy Ministers, the Secretaries-General and the Special Secretaries on matters falling within the scope of the responsibilities of the Secretariat General, over which he/she presides;
- ensures the proper functioning of the services of the Secretariat-General.