The Secretariat General of the Government was established by the Presidential Decree No. 32/2004 “Establishment and Organization of the Secretariat General of the Government” (Α’ 28) as an independent public service directly under the Prime Minister’s supervision. The Secretariat General of the Government supports the work of the Prime Minister and the Government while carrying out their duties and responsibilities, provides secretarial support to the Council of Ministers, the other collective government bodies and the inter-ministerial committees, unless these tasks have been assigned to other bodies, coordinates and monitors the implementation of these bodies’ decisions and generally exercises all the responsibilities provided by this Presidential Decree, or assigned by other legal provisions.
In the context of modernizing and rationalizing the exercise of the executive power, in order to meet contemporary requirements, the Secretariat General of the Government was replaced pursuant to article 25 of Law No. 4622/2019 «Executive State: organization, operation and transparency of the Government, governmental bodies and central public administration» (Α’ 133) by a new, upgraded, more flexible, autonomous public service, the Secretariat General for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs, which has been entrusted with new, expanded tasks. The new Secretariat General for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs is not just a renaming of the former Secretariat General of the Government, but a new organizational unit whose fundamental mission, within the framework of the executive state, is to ensure the coherence and coordination of the law-making process and the effective implementation of the principles and tools of Better Regulation.
Τhe Presidential Decree No. 98/2020 “Organization of the Presidency of the Government” (Α΄ 236) and in particular articles 12 to 15 thereof, define the mission and structure of the Secretariat General for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs.