
The mission of the Secretariat General for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs is the effective coordination and implementation of regulatory governance as described in article 57 of Law No 4622/2019, the assurance of the coherence and coordination of the law-making process, the effective implementation of the principles and tools of Better Regulation, as well as the support of the Council of Ministers and collective government bodies (article 12 of the Presidential Decree No. 98/2020).

In order to carry out its mission, the Secretariat General for Legal and Parliamentary Affairs: (a) undertakes the final legislative drafting of all Government bills before submitted to the Parliament; (b) ensures the timely publication of each law or regulatory act in the Government Gazette; (c) coordinates any action to codify and reform the law; (d) coordinates the application of the principles and tools of Better Regulation; (e) provides legal support to the Prime Minister, the Presidency of the Government and the Government within the scope of their responsibilities, (f) cooperates with the services of the Parliament on matters concerning the relations between the Government and the Parliament; (g) carries out all necessary actions for the implementation of the rules on ethics and conflicts of interest for government officials, as regulated in Chapter A of Part D of the Law. 4622/2019, to the extent of the responsibilities of the Presidency of the Government.